Breath Ghosts Blind, Maurizio Cattelan

This unprecedented site-specific exhibition project by Maurizio Cattelan questions the current value system, among symbolic references that belong to the collective imagination.


Date and location: July 15th, 2021 - February 20th, 2022, Pirelli HangarBicocca Foundation, Milan, Italy

"Breath Ghosts Blind" is an exhibition conceived by Maurizio Cattelan as a dramaturgy in three parts which is developed in close relationship with the architecture of Pirelli HangarBicocca. 

The title encapsulates the three works on display: Breath (2021), an unprecedented marble sculpture that opens the exhibition; Ghosts (2021), the reconfiguration of a historical work that transforms the space of the Nave; Blind (2021), a new monumental installation. 

The three works are configured as moments of a symbolic representation of the cycle of life, from birth to death, through emblematic references for the collective imagination, questioning the current value system and proposing a profound reflection on the most disorienting aspects of everyday life.

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