
Tips & trends

Daily rituals for our wellness

Today we talk about the benefits of rituals. Nothing spiritual, just understanding how meticulous application of predefined actions can have a strong impact on our well-being.

Today we take a little bit of a leap to talk about physical and mental well-being, and how a small action, if repeated daily and consistently, can greatly contribute to improving our health. In this, the home and the objects around us can play a leading role. Let's see how.

Each of us eventually thought at least once about improving our lifestyle by introducing a small action into our daily lives. But how many have then managed to turn these actions into real habits?

The New York Times recently launched a survey asking its audience what habits each person would never give up. The responses ranged from those who count yellow doors on their way to work, to people who take a walk around the block while eating a banana, or those who do an headstand whenever faced with a difficult decision. In fact, more and more studies show that turning an action that we enjoy, or that makes us feel good, into a daily habit significantly increases our overall well-being.

See for yourself, here is how to proceed: 1. make a list of what you want to improve in your life. It can be your fitness, increase the time you devote to yourself or to cultural activities, anything as long as it is within reach. 2. Identify two actions that can help you achieve your goal 3. Choose the easiest and most enjoyable one. 3. Set reminders 4. Repeat, repeat and repeat this action in the exact same sequence religiously 5. Turn this action into a real daily ritual.

Our cherished objects and the things that surround us can come in extremely handy especially in step 3. Placing a blanket on one's favorite chair can be a ploy to remind ourselves that it is time to indulge in that 10 minutes of reading we have imposed on ourselves. Turning the picture frame on our desk can be a fitting reminder that it's time to go out for a run. Or changing the color of the light bulb in our favorite lamp can call attention to the fact that it's time to call a friend, or a parent.

Let the objects that surround us iat home participate in our well-being not only through the function for which they were designed, but also with more imaginative applications and by inclouding them in our rituals. And we will be surprised how they can turn into great teachers.