

Gloria Vanderbilt: “Decorating is autobiography”.

Our home decor is the reflection of our imagination and mirrors our personal fantasy. Gloria Vanderbilt (New York 1924-2019), artist, actress and designer and descendant of one of America's richest families, was convinced of this. intOndo's philosophy fits perfectly with her vision, so we pay tribute to her with this article about how to use unique pieces of furniture to create a home that evolves with us and with our personal taste.

Gloria Vanderbilt has been the symbol of lifestyle and luxury combined with style for more than half a century. The news of her death, which occurred a few weeks ago at the age of 95, occupied the headlines of major newspapers and media channels and revived the her life history through images of her homes in New York and Long Island. His highly original apartment in New York, published several times in major interior design magazines, is a mosaic of patchwork tiles that act as a shell for an elegant and majestic decor. The luxurious residence testifies to the passion of the famous heiress for decorative arts and antiques, carefully scouted in every corner of the world. Refined pieces of decor populate tables, fireplaces and dressers, filling every corner of the house and creating a sense of opulence.


After all it was she who coined the famous phrase "Decorating is autobiography". In fact, over the years Gloria Vanderbilt constantly changed the furniture and the configuration of her domestic environments. A process that, in her opinion, is almost therapeutic and that was well suited to a woman with an artistic nature like hers. At intOndo we are convinced that it is not necessary to be an artist to have the courage to review and readjust our "shell" according to the phases of our lives, our mood and our needs. 


We just need to stop and look at the spaces in which we live to realize that our furniture is made of objects that we will never separate from, but also of many dilapidated and obsolete furniture that are there almost by accident. So, let's be open to the new - or in our case to vintage items -: welcome to changes, additions and recycling of furniture, as long as every update is at the service of our personal predisposition. It is said that Gloria had a bathroom with tiles on which she wrote the names of her dearest friends of the time, and that she hung on her chandelier decorative objects of various kinds, that she changed from time to time according to her mood.


What kind of revolution would you like to make in your own home? intOndo's catalog is filled with unique objects that will help you update your home with a simple click. What are you waiting for? Start writing your autobiography.